The goal of your presentation is to demonstrate the ways in which the historical concept of Manifest Destiny persists in contemporary American thought and policy. The resources below will help you find and cite reliable sources about national security, international intervention, and our nation's sense of mission in the world. Remember that these sources will provide information that will help you construct your own argument. The sources will not make the argument for you! Your job is to use the information you discover to create and defend an argument and to draw connections between the past and the present.
If you need help, just ask!
From school, clicking on any of the database links will get you directly in to any database.
From home, you need login credentials because these are subscription (that is, paid-for) databases. Click on the image below to access the Google Doc containing the passwords. You must be signed in with a Northern Highlands account to view these passwords.
Having trouble? Email the librarian at, or stop by the Library.
The folling sites are newswires (AP, UPI, Reuters) and public-interest broadcasters (BBC, NPR, PBS). Unlike the newspapers (New York Times, Washington Post, etc.) you can find in the U.S. Major Dailies database, these sources do not require a subscription. The public-interest broadcasters pay the bills with donations and some government support. The newswire pages, as you will see, are supported by ads. News literacy tip: Ask yourself who or what pays for the journalism you consume.
1. Log in to your NoodleTools account. (Forgot your login info? Contact the librarian.)
2. Create or open a project.
3. Follow the instructions for exporting a citation from each kind of database. Find the article you want, and then:
Gale | Click Cite at the top right of the page, then select "Export to NoodleTools." |
EBSCO | Click on the right-hand menu, then click . Select the last item in the list, which is . |
JSTOR | Click in the left-hand menu. Scroll down past the three citations and select , the first item on the list. |
Click directly under the article title. Then click . |
PROQUEST | Click in the upper right menu. Scroll down past the citation. You do NOT need to change the citation format at the top! Select , then Continue on the next screen. |
4. Refresh your Sources page, and there you will see a perfectly-formatted MLA citation.
5. To print or export all your sources into a pre-formatted Works Cited page, select the printer icon at the top of your Sources page, then choose what program you want your citations exported to.
Unlike those of a free website, database URLs are dynamic. That means that they change, so if you copy and paste a URL from a database into a Google Doc, the link will not work.
Permanent links are found in different places in different families of databases. The table below will show you where to find permanent links to the database pages you want to visit again.
Company | Look for | Screenshot |
Gale |
Get link |
Permalink |
Infobase |
Record URL Scroll to the bottom of the page
Link on the left, below the image of the journal. |
Proquest | In the top right corner, click All Options. You will see the link on the top of the page. |
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