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Anatomy and Biography of a Star Type: Home

Everything you'll need to succeed on Mr. Hotaling's Astronomy project about star types.

Anatomy and Biography of a Star Type

Your Mission: Become a Star Expert!


For this Astronomy project, you will become an expert in one type of Main Sequence Star and develop a presentation that will communicate your new-found expertise in the most engaging and effective way you can. This LibGuide provides all the resources you'll need to excel. The resources on the left will help you find the information. The resources on the right will show you how to save, cite, and take notes on your sources.

(Click to access the details of the assignment:)

Photo credit: NASA: Stars  


Remember that these stars have nicknames (i.e. Red Dwarf).

If your initial search isn't yielding results, try the nickname.

The custom search box below will search two large EBSCO databases: Academic Search Premier and Science Reference Center. 

Research databases
Limit Your Results


Understanding the Main Sequence from Teach Astronomy

Main Sequence Stars from Australia Telescope National Facility

Stellar Evolution - Cycles of Formation and Destruction: Introduction to the H-R Diagram from Chandra X-Ray Observatory

NASA Universe: How Do Stars Form and Evolve? 

Main Sequence Stars: Definition & Life Cycle from

Stellar Classification from the National Schools' Observatory (click through the menu on the left for additional relevant information)

Logging into the Databases from Home


From school, clicking on any of the database links will get you directly in to any database.

From home, you need login credentials because these are subscription (that is, paid-for) databases. Click on the image below to access the Google Doc containing the passwords. You must be signed in with a Northern Highlands account to view these passwords.


Having trouble? Email the librarian at, or stop by the Library.

NoodleTools Instant Database Citations

Instantly export database citations to NoodleTools

1. Log in to your NoodleTools account. (Forgot your login info? Contact the librarian.)

2. Create or open a project. 

3. Follow the instructions for exporting a citation from each kind of database. Find the article you want, and then:

Gale Click Cite  at the top right of the page, then select "Export to NoodleTools." 
EBSCO Click on the right-hand menu, then click . Select the last item in the list, which is 

4. Refresh your Sources page, and there you will see a perfectly-formatted MLA citation.

5. To print or export all your sources into a pre-formatted Works Cited page, select the printer icon at the top of your Sources page, then choose what program you want your citations exported to.


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Julie Goldberg
298 Hillside Avenue
Allendale, NJ 07401