Fascinating people have come from Italy over the past several thousand years!
Below is a database and some instructions you can use to study one in detail.
If you already know the name of the person you want to research, type their name in the box. If you'd like to browse to discover someone, select "Person Search."
Use the drop-down menu for Nationality and check "Italian."
You could scroll to the bottom of the page and click Search to see all Italian-born people in the database. Or you could select more limiters, such as Gender or Occupation.
Type an occupation you're interested in. The database will show you a list of related terms to choose from.
This is just the first page of results for "Fashion designer." Click on a name to see articles and more.
Once you find your person, be sure to scroll through and click on different kinds of articles to get all the information you will need to make your presentation. Some people will have more information available about them than others.
From school, clicking on any of the database links will get you directly in to any database.
From home, you need login credentials because these are subscription (that is, paid-for) databases. Click on the image below to access the Google Doc containing the passwords. You must be signed in with a Northern Highlands account to view these passwords.
Having trouble? Email the librarian at goldbergj@northernhighlands.org, or stop by the Library.
1. Log in to your NoodleTools account. (Forgot your login info? Contact the librarian.)
2. Create or open a project.
3. Follow the instructions for exporting a citation from each kind of database. Find the article you want, and then:
Gale | Click Cite at the top right of the page, then select "Export to NoodleTools." |
4. Refresh your Sources page, and there you will see a perfectly-formatted MLA citation.
5. To print or export all your sources into a pre-formatted Works Cited page, select the printer icon at the top of your Sources page, then choose what program you want your citations exported to.